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IOM Consulting Limited
Company bio
IOM solves problems around workplace health and hazards. Working with health and safety managers, facilities managers, lawyers, occupational hygienists and governments we deliver safer working environments. Understanding future threats and supporting clients as the workplace evolves.
Our services include the testing of hazards in our UKAS accredited laboratory, training programmes, expert witness services and authorising engineers. This is complemented government guiding science and insight which offers private and public organisations with research capabilities.
Lastly our occupational hygiene and ventilation engineers’ sample and measure common hazards including; noise, dust, mould, hand arm vibration, air quality, formaldehyde, thermal exposure, welding fume, metal working fluid, local exhaust ventilation and animal allergens
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Company Address
49 Research Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP
Sales contact
Name: David Flower
Telephone: 01785 333203