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What does IHEEM stand for?
The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management
What does IHEEM do?
We are a membership organisation in the Healthcare Industry who is licenced under the Engineering Council to register Engineers for professional status.
We are recognised as an International Professional Engineering Institute specialising in the Healthcare Estates Sector.
Our primary purpose is to keep members up to date with developing technology and changing regulations.
We support Healthcare Engineers in registering EngTech, IEng and CEng.
We offer a number of activities and support to aid continued professional development.
We are also a registered charity (257133) under the education and training classification.
Who can join IHEEM?
The Institute welcomes into membership employees of both public and private healthcare providers, as well as those employed in private sector engineering and consultancy firms and practices. Many members come from a non-engineering background such as architecture, construction, and facilities management.
How do I join?
You can join by filling out an individual, company affiliate or free membership application form under the membership and registration tab.
Are there any discounts available?
Yes, we can offer a reduced rate for retired members, or members with particular circumstances, such as being out of work. If a member would like to receive a reduced rate, they should email membership@iheem.org.uk.
What levels of membership are there?
We have three different types of membership; Individual, Company and Free. Individual memberships can be awarded with:
- Apprentice
- Student
- Skilled Person
- Graduate
- Craftsperson
- Technician
- Associate Member
- Member
- Fellow
- Company Affiliate
- NHS Affiliate
- University Affiliate
How do I pay my membership subscription fee?
Ways To Pay from Melissa Glass on Vimeo.
https://vimeo.com/519907350“>Ways To Pay from https://vimeo.com/user124082481“>Melissa Glass on https://vimeo.com“>Vimeo. You will receive an email with your invoice. Simply click ‘Pay now’ at the bottom of the invoice and follow the payment instructions.When do I receive my membership certificate?
Once your initial subscription has been paid and your application has been ratified at the next Membership & Registration Committee meeting.
Why can’t I apply for a membership grade?
Your grade of membership is awarded by our Membership and Registration Committee based on your academic qualifications and work experience.
My application is asking for an organisation structure, what is this?
This is to provide us an idea of where you sit within your current company and aids the membership committee in awarding the right level of membership.
Download an example organisation template here.
How long does membership last?
Subscription fees cover your membership for one year unless you are a student, apprentice, trades person, NHS Trust or University Affiliate in this case then your membership is free.
I used to be a member; how do I re-join?
You can re-join if it is within the last 3 years. If it is more than 3 years you will need to apply again. You can find the re-join form on the individual membership page quick link 5 or click here.
How do I pay my £50 application fee?
You will receive an email with your invoice. Simply click ‘Pay now’ at the bottom of the invoice and follow the payment instructions.
Can I claim the tax back on my membership?
Membership subscriptions may be eligible for tax relief.
Guidance can be obtained from the gov.uk website.
IHEEM is an approved professional organisation. Please note that IHEEM is listed as “Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management, Institute of”.
I cant find IHEEM on the gov.uk website to claim my tax back, is it approved?
IHEEM is an approved professional organisation. Please note that IHEEM is listed as “Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management, Institute of”.
How to I update my details?
We’ve recently changed the way members can update their details, to do this you can log in to the MyIHEEM cpd moduel and click ‘update user details’: http://cpd.iheem.org.uk/
To access your MyIHEEM CPD portal you must log in to the IHEEM website first.
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