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Starn Group
Company bio
Our range of StarnIPC systems provide effective infection protection control and ventilation within a wide range of environments. By utilising pressurization and HEPA filtration, our SafeClinic systems allow Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) to take place in the medical and dental fields, with a turnaround time between patients as low as 10 minutes. Our SafeRoom systems can be used to convert existing rooms into Class-N negative pressure isolation rooms (NPIR) or Class-P positive pressure isolation rooms (PPIR) to increase capacity. Additionally, we also provide SafeCleanse systems which are portable air scrubber units which increase the air change rate in any existing room, providing safe working environments where adequate ventilation does not currently exist.
Our experienced and reliable teams ensure we deliver the right outcomes for you. Working together, we minimise infection risk through our tailored specialised services that focus on safely managing clinical environments. StarnIPC has global reach and a unique set of products and services that support the effective management of working environments across a wide range of clinical situations covering multiple sectors.
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Secondary 2: HVAC
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Company Address
Strathmore House,
Charles Bowman Avenue,
Claverhouse Industrial Park,
Sales contact
Name: Simon Golland
Telephone: 07730 099 769