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Tilbury Douglas Engineering Limited
Company bio
Tilbury Douglas Engineering are a leading building services engineering contractor delivering outstanding projects across a wide range of sectors within the built environment. Operating from 5 regional offices with over 250 employees, we have a strong regional presence across the UK. We provide intelligent MEP solutions from business case through design, procurement and construction into ongoing aftercare for small works through to complex and high-profile projects, whether one-off iconic buildings, projects within sensitive and specialist environments or rolling programmes of work at multiple locations, via frameworks, or direct-end user solutions.
We have delivered over £450m+ (MEP value) of healthcare schemes and have ongoing NHS Trust/ Health Board relationships spanning over 10 years. Our extensive new build and refurbishment experience in healthcare includes a ground breaking Proton Beam Therapy Centre, operating theatre upgrades, MRI and diagnostic suites, ward refurbishments, radiotherapy centres, A&E departments, mental health units and major plant upgrades.
Since the inception of NHS England’s ProCure Framework in 2003 we have been a PSCM on ProCure21, ProCure 21+ and ProCure 22 and continuing to work on ProCure 23 projects supporting a number of PSCP’s. We have also been a supply chain partner on all four iterations of the Welsh Government’s Designed for Life Building for Wales 1, 2, 3 and 4 Frameworks.
Key services
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Available work experience opportunities
Tilbury Douglas Engineering offer a range of work experience, t-level and apprenticeship opportunities. Our apprenticeship scheme is an industry recognised level 3 programme for a range of roles including Installation Electrician, Building Services Engineering Craftsperson; Heating and Ventilating (H&V) Craftsman and Plumber.
Current vacancies

Company Address
1st Floor, T3 Trinity Park, Birmingham, B37 7ES
Sales contact
Name: Oliver Hollick
Telephone: 07483115971