Making Public Buildings Low Carbon Heat Ready
Webinar: Low Carbon Heat Ready NHS Estates
The next phase of funding for public sector heat decarbonisation projects is imminent.
But too many projects are being delivered with a focus only on specific technologies (heat pumps/heat networks) without taking a “whole system” view.
Leaving public sector building owners with projects that:
• Require more capital budget than really necessary
• Deliver carbon savings at the expense of increased running costs
• Leave additional carbon savings on the table, due to sub-optimal system efficiency;
Join Hysopt on either 7th or 14th July and learn how NHS Trusts and other public sector organisations are already delivering low carbon heat projects with reduced upfront investment costs; achieving lower ongoing operational energy costs; and ensuring their buildings are 100% ready for integration with low carbon heat technologies.
Click the link ( and register now for one of two available dates!
#webinar #hvac #technology #nhs #netzerocarbon