West Midlands Branch On-line webinar “Rapid responses to estates and capacity crises this winter”
Home West Midlands Branch On-line webinar “Rapid responses to estates and capacity crises this winter”
West Midlands Branch On-line webinar
Tuesday 21st November 2023
1:00pm – 2:00pm
On behalf of IHEEM West Midlands you are invited to a webinar
“Rapid responses to estates and capacity crises this winter”
Chaired by Anisha Mayor (UK Head of Healthcare WSP) and presented by the WSP Healthcare team, this webinar is timely as NHS trusts approach a likely period of winter pressure. The session will include time for discussion and Q & A.
Please do pass on this invitation to your colleagues and associates who may also be interested in joining the webinar.
Topics to be covered will include –
- Learning from Covid Surge Capacity Mobilisation
- Case study of standing up a fully functional 1500 bed hospital in 3.5weeks
- Prioritising action and mitigation for high-risk estates failures and backlog
- Temporary clinical capacity options evaluation:
- Modular decants, adapted clinical environments
- Changing models of care & scheduling
- Managing dependencies with support services
- Discussion Q&A:
- How can healthcare systems and providers prepare for the winter this year?
- What are the challenges and how can modern clinical, operational and construction solutions help to meet these challenges?
- Speculative planning
- Systems thinking approaches across ICBs to tackle winter crises
You are encouraged to sign up early for this session using this link : https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5926994830263126880