As a professional working in the healthcare sector, particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic, you need to keep up to date with the numerous innovations happening right now.
We are giving you the opportunity to Stay Connected through our webinars, Keep Informed about how innovation played a major part in meeting the significant healthcare engineering and estates challenges raised by the global pandemic and to Get Ahead with knowledge sharing and CPD content.
We are pleased to announce that Healthcare Estates Online will be launched on 30th June 2020 and will run with fortnightly events culminating in the Healthcare Estates Digital Week on 5th – 9th October 2020.
The first round of webinars will be from our exhibitor community who have faced and managed a wide range of demands and challenges throughout the pandemic.
There will then follow a series of webinars outlining the challenges from a national perspective, including the rapid development of the Nightingale Hospitals across the country. These will include presentations from NHS England and NHS Improvement including the Director & Head of Profession at NHS Estates & Facilities and ProCure22.
You can also expect to hear from NHS Trusts on how they responded at a local level as well as the IHEEM Technical Platforms who will discuss the technical issues that needed to be considered across a number of engineering specialisms including decontamination, ventilation and medical gas management.
All of the digital content outlined above will be made available free of charge and where appropriate will be CPD approved.