This course is suitable for those individuals whose work and interests involve water within the built environment.
It is primarily aimed at covering the basics of in-premise water systems and transmission risks using diagrams, case studies and relevant independent publications to understand the risks that water can pose to vulnerable users. The materials are developed to provide a clear overview of the main basic concepts and insights on how to apply that learning to prevent, investigate and remediate issues. The subject matter is a balance of engineering, microbiological and hygienic information. No previous engineering, microbiological or water hygiene qualifications or experience is needed as an entry requirement, although some experience of in-premise water systems or waterborne pathogens is helpful.
The course consists of 10 modules which are between 60-90 minutes each in duration, offering a total of 12 hours training. A short (4 question) assessment is undertaken after completion of each module. In most cases Clients request a regular cadence of 1-2 modules per week to complete the course. The modular approach allows a high level of flexibility to meet Delegate availability. In order to achieve formal CPD certification and C&G assurance, the entire training course must be delivered by a Harper Water training facilitator, the Delegate must have completed the course and returned assessments from all 10 modules and achieving a >65% pass mark.
The training topics covered during the In-Premise Water: Engineering, Microbiological & Hygienic Fundamentals courses are described below:
In-Premise Water: Engineering, Microbiological & Hygienic Fundamentals
- Water Journey from Source to Sink
- Biofilm Formation in Drinking Water Systems
- Common Waterborne Pathogens & Transmission Pathways
- Recognising Hazards & Risks
- Control Measures Validation & Verification
- Operational Monitoring & Surveillance
- Water Safety Management Within Buildings
- Relevant Legislation, Guidance & Best Practice
- Critical Contamination & Outbreak Management
- Water Sampling (Legionella)

For more Course Information please visit : https://www.harperwater.com/in-premise-water-engineering-microbiological-hygienic-fundamentals/
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