This course is suitable for individuals whose work and interests involve water within the built environment and in particular Pseudomonas spp colonisation within water systems and equipment, relevant user behaviours associated with contamination, waterborne transmission and disease.
This course is a balance of engineering, microbiological and hygienic information which is typically delivered face-toface and live (hosted) on-line. No previous engineering, microbiological or water hygiene qualifications or experience is needed as an entry requirement, although some experience of in-premise water systems or waterborne pathogens is helpful and ideally previous completion of Harper Water’s In-Premise Water: Engineering, Microbiological & Hygienic Fundamentals course.
Course attendees include, but are not restricted to, Healthcare Facility Water Safety Teams, Infection Prevention &
Control, Responsible Persons, Competent Persons, Estates and Facilities Engineers, Plumbers, Soft FM/Cleaning Teams, Water Hygienists, Health & Safety Officers, Compliance Officers, Water Treatment Specialists, Public Health Officers, Microbiologists.
The course consists of 7 modules delivered over a 12 hour period with a final 1 hour exam. The modular approach allows a high level of flexibility to meet delegate availability. The entire training course should be selected and delivered by a Harper Water training facilitator, the delegate must have completed the course and returned a completed final exam paper with a >65% pass mark to be successful.
A summary of the training content is described in the table below:
In-Premise Waterborne Pseudomonas: Understanding & Risk Assessment
- Pseudomonas Biofilms in Drinking Water Systems
- Periphery of the Water System: Plumbing, Equipment & Pseudomonas Contamination
- Clinical & Environmental Surveillance for Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Pseudomonas water sampling, testing and data analysis
- Pseudomonas Management Within Buildings: Control Measures & Remediation
- Relevant Legislation, Guidance & Best Practice (including HTM 04-01 & BS 8580-2)
- Pseudomonas Risk Assessment in the Healthcare Environment (including practical session)
For more Course Information please visit : https://www.harperwater.com/in-premise-waterborne-pseudomonas-understanding-and-risk-assessment/

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